Lullabellz Hair Extensions- Honest Review!
Beauty I have changed my hair over and over again. I love experimenting and being creative with my hair. I love trying new styles and different colours. I have dyed my hair blonde, red, silver and brown and even pink at one point. I've had fringes (which I majorly regret) and layers put in, as well as having long locks and a short bob. I am actually surprised that I have any hair left. Unfortunately, due to the bleach I have used to colour my hair, I have ended up with damaged hair. As a result of this, I was forced to chop off my long locks. It felt refreshing tot get rid of my damaged hair. My hair looks healthier and natural. My latest hair style is the classic 'Rachel' and if you don't know what that is, it is the classic hair cut that was worn by Jennifer Anniston in the successful comedy sitcom 'Friends'. I have also gone back to my natural ...